How to get rid of parasites at home?

parasites in humans

Parasites are organisms that survive and thrive at the expense of other organisms. Living in a human body, they consume nutrients and vitamins provided to their host.

Waste is the outflow of poisons and toxins. People infected with the parasite systematically lose the nutrients the body needs to function properly. In addition, he will experience the additional burden of dealing with waste from unwanted cohabitants.

More than 100 parasites can live in the human body. They can be of all shapes and sizes, from microscopic single-celled to meter-long worms. According to the World Health Organization, parasites and their life consequences in humans are responsible for approximately 80% of human diseases. According to some reports, up to 95% of the population of our country are carriers of various unhappy cohabitants, so it is safe to say that everyone faces the parasite, whether they like it or not.

How to get infected with parasites

You can get worms in different ways:

  • One of them is through food. Worm larvae can be found in meat, raw prosciutto, sausage, or fish. They can be found on unwashed vegetables or fruits as well as on the surface of vegetables.
  • The second source of danger is pets. Numerous parasites can live in beloved pets. Their eggs enter the environment through feces and are carried around the house by animals on their fur or claws.
  • Another way households can become infected is through hand-to-hand items, such as money.

It is almost impossible to find out the excess presence in your body with the help of intuition without additional examination. After all, in order to survive, parasites will do anything to hide their presence. What are the signs that they are roosting in humans? The list is long and varied.

  • Intestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and gas.
  • Skin problems, including hives, rashes, and allergies.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • anemia.
  • Neuroticism, migraines, sleep disturbances.
  • molar.
  • persistent fatigue.

Parasites can even cause seemingly unrelated diseases such as bronchial asthma, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes and epilepsy. Even unborn babies can be infected with parasites from their mothers.

Ways to Treat Worms at Home

Knowing all this, one can realize the global scale of parasitic infections. Also, the issue is intimate in nature, so many people feel ashamed or uncomfortable when they go to the doctor. So the question itself arises: "How to deal with parasites in the home? ". You can use traditional methods or believe in traditional medicine.

medical method

Modern medicine offers many medicines for deworming. The undeniable advantage of such drugs is their single use. But you should never take them alone. Each of them has a list of contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor can predict how a drug will affect the body.

But treating helminthiasis with drugs is not always possible. Therefore, these drugs are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. In this case, traditional medicine comes to the rescue.

Proven and Safe Folk Method

  • It's no secret that garlic is one of the best medicines against worms. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt knew it thousands of years ago, and healers of ancient India such as the navigator Columbus, Magellan, and even Hippocrates used garlic to repel worms.
  • Another well-known remedy is pumpkin seeds. Cucurbitacin - a rare amino acid contained in it, which has a repellent effect. But they must be raw, with a grey-green outer shell. For an adult, crushing 300 grams and adding a little water and honey to it is enough. You need to eat the mixture on an empty stomach and make an enema an hour later.
  • Various herbs and their decoctions are effective in helping to get rid of worms. These are wormwood, St. John's wort, tansy, dandelion, thyme, etc. Decoctions and infusions are usually taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

The folk remedies described above are just a few of the methods used at home to get rid of parasites. It's also worth mentioning that earthworms are afraid of red vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and pomegranates, cloves, cinnamon, and walnuts. The nature around us has created hundreds of natural remedies.

life saving prevention

When it comes to parasites, one cannot fail to mention the importance of preventing problems. First of all, it is important to pay attention to hygiene. Regular hand washing, washing vegetables and fruits has been and will be effective against parasites in the home.

Pets also need proper care. Thorough cleaning of trays and regular prevention of animal worms will protect you and your family from unpleasant problems.

Use of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements also play an important role. These medicines contribute to overall health, improve digestion and increase the tone of the entire organism, destroy parasites and clear them quickly. Various dietary supplements are suitable for treatment and prevention, they consist entirely of herbal extracts, are safe for health and have few contraindications to their use.

There is no need to despair and shame in the face of the problem of worms. By eating the right products, following hygiene rules, taking dietary supplements or taking medicines if necessary, you will surely solve the problem and protect yourself in the future.